7 Wonders City To Host Mega Event For Groundbreaking Of Cottages August 2022
7 Wonders City To Host Mega Event For Groundbreaking Of Cottages August 2022 7 Wonders City Islamabad announced the Villas and Cottages in the past to provide different investment and living options for the people of the twin cities. These luxury Villas and Cottages are located near the CPEC route and Fateh Jang Interchange. 7 Wonders City Cottages are multi-story residences (town-houses) similar to other projects like Awami Villas in Bahria Town. Now, the management has announced the groundbreaking of 7 Wonders City Cottages. A mega event and Azadi festival are planned in addition to the groundbreaking. The event will be held on 24th July 2022 at the site of 7 Wonders City Islamabad. The event will be full of fun activities, entertainment, and numerous prizes for the attendees. Moreover, a children’s play area will be established and 3 renowned singers of Pakistan including Abrar-ul-Haq, Gul Panra, and Sahir Ali Bagga will improve the delights of this mega event. GFS Builders and